
Company news and updates.

Uganda: Farmers’ Conference in Soroti on Digitalization

Administrator News

AUXFIN Uganda had the chance to join Soroti’s hardworking and dedicated farmers. Agriculture is the backbone of Uganda’s economy, and their efforts ensure that families are fed, businesses thrive, and communities grow stronger.

Success story of Boniface

Administrator News

​Boniface, who joined the G50 program in 2019, shares his initial experience with fish farming:

"When the disease attacked our fish, AuxFin quickly responded by sending us the necessary medication. If we had notified them earlier, we might have been able to prevent the loss of the fish. After receiving the fish to start the fish farming, we decided to pool our funds together to buy a tent to protect them. We then organized our work into groups of three during the day and two at night, ensuring constant monitoring of the ponds.

Success story of Hakizimana Anesie from Rubagabaga

Administrator News

Hakizimana Anésie, from Rubagabaga 1, shares her experience with the G50 program. "The G50 program first taught us the importance of saving, and in addition to that, they introduced a new idea: teaching us fish farming. I was very excited, especially since meat was a luxury we could rarely afford. Although there were more women than men, we quickly got to work. Building the ponds was very hard work, but despite my age, I actively participated."

Success story of Ntirampeba Annonciate from Rubagabaga

Administrator News

​Ntirampeba Annonciate, a woman from Rubagabaga 1, shares her enriching experience with the G50 community. Initially, the group received extensive training on good farming practices and the importance of saving. Recently, they learned how to build fish ponds. It was much harder work than she had anticipated, but despite the challenges, she and the other community members persevered. However, their first attempts at building the ponds failed, and the structures collapsed. This prompted them to adopt new techniques, using more durable materials to ensure the ponds' stability.

AUXFIN at the Money Harvest Expo with IFDC and Agriterra

Administrator News

AUXFIN Uganda is pleased to be part of the Money Harvest Expo again this year, an event empowered by the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) in partnership with Agriterra. This event aims to promote financial, social and economic inclusion for farmers’ groups, cooperatives, and other stakeholders in the agricultural value chain.

SSRCoach, the digital solution for better reproductive health and controlled births

Administrator News

According to the 2016-2017 Demographic Health Survey, 85% of women give birth in healthcare facilities, which means that 15% give birth at home. 8% of adolescents aged 15 to 19 had already begun their reproductive life : 6% of them have had at least one child and 2% are pregnant with their first child. Unmet family planning needs remain very high (30%), and the percentage of women who give birth and leave the healthcare facility with a modern contraceptive method remains very low. This rate was estimated at 2.3% in 2023.

AUXFIN Burkina Faso – Ready for expansion

Administrator News

AUXFIN Burkina Faso completed its first year of activity with a strong team in Ouagadougou and the very first group of activators in the Centre Nord and Centre Ouest regions of Burkina Faso. There are more than 20 activators servicing more than 100 G50 groups and a total of 4,560 people registered to date on the UMVA platform and these figures are increasing day after day.

Your support can bring hope and comfort to those suffering from the floods

Administrator News

Normally, we publish Success Stories in our News section. Now we wish to ask for your support to turn human suffering into a Success Story of solidarity.

As a Netherlands-rooted company, we are familiar with the power of water, for the good and for the bad. Also recently, the Netherlands was hit by massive rains, floods and subsequent damages.

Publication of AUXFIN Burundi status report 2022

Administrator News

500.000 Burundian households connected to digital solutions.

In Burundi, only 6% of the population uses the internet, ranking as the lowest internet penetration rate worldwide. AUXFIN is changing this number quickly by offering digital technologies to the rural population. In 2022 AUXFIN Burundi has succeeded in reaching half a million people on a regular basis with digital solutions that contribute to their development.

Success story of Munezero Arlette from Nyanza-lac commune -Finance Coach

Administrator News

Munezero Arlette and her family were once big spenders. For her, she liked to buy clothes all the time without a real need to do so. Every day she and her family spent a lot of money in various expenses. She then began to follow the finance training provided by Auxfin Burundi through the FinanceCoach app.

Success story of Nzibanora Monique from Nyanza-lac commune -Finance Coach

Administrator News

​For Nzibanora Monique having a kitchen garden is very useful for her family. Monique N. shares that from her kitchen garden, she sometimes sells vegetables at the market and uses the money to supplement her husband's income, which is often insufficient to meet the various needs of the household.