Success story of ADIDJA NDUWUMUKAMA from Province Makamba, Commune Makamba, Zone Nyange, Colline Nyankara, S/Colline : Bushuri -SSRCoach

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Adidja, a Muslim woman, recalls her early days as a young wife. Married at a very young age, she quickly had five children, all born close together. Her husband, a farmer like herself, harbored a deep desire for a son—a wish, according to Adidja, that led him to pressure her into having children without taking breaks. Each pregnancy seemed like an opportunity to fulfill this dream, but all her pregnancies resulted in daughters. The age gap between her two youngest daughters? Barely a year, as she quickly became pregnant again.

In her quest to find a solution, Adidja secretly tried using a contraceptive method, fearing her husband's reaction. However, she soon stopped after hearing persistent rumors about the long-term effects of contraceptives, despite never experiencing any health issues with the method.

The turning point came with the introduction of the G50 approach by Auxfin Burundi in their Mirango community. Using the SSR Coach on the group's tablet, Adidja was able to learn, through explanatory videos, how contraceptive methods worked. These videos were a real eye-opener, dispelling many myths and rumors surrounding contraceptives. One day, during a group meeting, a film on contraceptive methods was shown, sparking an honest and constructive conversation with her husband on the topic.

Armed with accurate information from SSR Coach, Adidja and her husband decided together to adopt a modern contraceptive method: the pill. It has now been two years since she began using this method. Aside from a slight disruption in her cycle, she is doing well and feels healthy. She explains that she can now focus on her other responsibilities without worry, knowing that her youngest is at home, cared for by her older sister, allowing her to dedicate herself to her duties within the group. As the group's secretary, she helps other members manage their savings while balancing the demands of her family life.

Although this decision was a significant turning point for her, Adidja and her husband still wish to have a son. They are considering having another child, but this time, with better planning and a more thoughtful approach to family planning.

She advocates for an increase in videos on various reproductive health topics and emphasizes the importance of continued awareness efforts through the G50, particularly among young people. For her, greater community involvement is essential to reducing the rate of unplanned pregnancies and to raising awareness about the role of men in contraceptive decisions.