SSRCoach, the digital solution for better reproductive health and controlled births

Administrator News

According to the 2016-2017 Demographic Health Survey, 85% of women give birth in healthcare facilities, which means that 15% give birth at home. 8% of adolescents aged 15 to 19 had already begun their reproductive life : 6% of them have had at least one child and 2% are pregnant with their first child.  Unmet family planning needs remain very high (30%), and the percentage of women who give birth and leave the healthcare facility with a modern contraceptive method remains very low. This rate was estimated at 2.3% in 2023.  

Based on the reports of the PNSR (National Reproductive Health Program), the rate of contraceptive method usage increased from 2.7% in 2000 to 33.8% in 2022.  

To reverse this trend and achieve the indicators set in the Burundi Vision 2040-2060, the population must be informed about the different components of reproductive health with accurate information in order to adhere to existing services. It is with the aim of addressing these crucial information needs in the rural community that a tool containing digital content in the form of short videos on various topics of Reproductive Health/Family Planning has been designed and validated: SSRCoach

SSRCoach is used to raise awareness in the community through groups of 50 households to encourage the population to access reproductive health services and facilitate the referral of members to the nearest health facilities to request services.