Terms of Reference
External Evaluation AUXFIN Burundi
AUXFIN delivers financial, value chain and community development solutions that are accessible to all, including vulnerable populations with low literacy and numeracy skills, limited access to the internet, no- or low access to electricity, and limited experience with mobile and other technologies.
AUXFIN Burundi was founded in 2016 and developed by setting G50 groups, which consists of grouping 50 nearby households, and connecting them to various services accessible in the platform called UMVA (Universal Methods of Value Access). In 2019, the Embassy of the Netherlands (EKN) and AUXFIN signed a contribution agreement to expand the activities of AUXFIN Burundi. In November 2019, the project ‘G50/UMVA expansion’ undertook the expansion of G50 groups and the development of new solutions through the UVMA platform to facilitate access to more information and services for rural farmers in the G50 groups. In October 2020, this contract was expanded with the ‘Amendment G50/UMVA expansion’. In November 2021 the ‘Second Amendment G50/UMVA expansion’ was signed. A Midterm External Evaluation (MTR) was conducted in 2022 to evaluate the intermediate progress of these projects, which report was submitted in August 2022.
The objective of the External Evaluation is to establish the results of the activities carried out by AUXFIN Burundi under the contract and Amendments of ‘G50/UMVA expansion’, from 1- 11-2019 to 31-10-2023, as well as related activities and provide recommendations for the next steps.